We spontaneously use the common language among all participants in a conversation, including any of the dialects and the National Common Language. 尊重他人感受,在有不懂自己方言的朋友参与讨论的情况下,自觉使用大家的共同语言,包括各地汉语方言及国家通用语。
Every nation has its common national language. 每个民族都有各自的民族共同语。
French reform of curriculum in basic education has seen its developmental trend as balance between teaching common culture, which is centered on the national language, and creating diversified roads to success for each individual student. 基础教育课程改革体现出既强调以本民族语言为核心的共同文化的教授,又注重为每个学生提供多样化的成功道路的发展趋势,力求使所有人的学校同时成为每个人的学校。
Now English plays a role of international common language in world communication. But because of the limits of national language and because of the existence of different changes of English, it cannot meet the needs of worldwide communication. 英语在当今世界交往中起到了暂时国际辅助语的作用,但由于民族语的局限、英语变体的存在,使英语不可能满足世界范围的交际需要。
The Reconsideration of Dialects of Common National Language 对方言和民族共同语言的再认识
It is a common phenomenon for a national language to assimilate words and phrases from other languages to enrich its vocabulary in the process of communication with other nations, thus maintaining the vitality of its own development. 一个民族在与其它民族交流过程中,不断吸收其它民族语言成分来丰富自己的词汇,是各种语言词汇发展的一种共同现象,即一种语言为保持自身活力而必需的手段。
Abstract: Fujian dialect, also calls Min language, is Chinese seven calls the turn naturally with the common national language standard spoken Chinese difference is biggest, the language phenomenon to be most complex, an internal divergent biggest dialect. 闽方言,又称闽语,是汉语七大方言中与民族共同语普通话差别最大、语言现象最复杂、内部分歧最大的一个方言。
Official language is the official body for all matters of language style of the common characteristics of language, communication is the field of document services need to use the national language and characteristics of the formation of an integrated language. 公文语体是有关公文事务方面的所有语文体式语言运用的共同特点,是公文事务交际领域运用民族语言而形成的语言表达特点的综合。